For more green and blue, follow the ongoing Blue Space collaborative initiative by me , just started up in its beginnings for an enduring lifetime project of blue and blue planet with the first Blue Space Videocast and Blue State LiveAid (multi-art for charity) soundhealing videos, and in some years time a book launch. Blue Space Mobile Recording Studio and label can anywhere produce content and creations for publishing and audiosynch. Online projects are part of the sole proprietorship Iselin Fergestad Music and Communication located in Norway. Youtube:
A travel through ecocommunities 2012 (v.3/ 2012)
Site is awarded again!
Guide To Environmental Science Degree Programs recently published a list of Top100 Sites for Going Green. And guess what? This blog actually made it to the highscore Top20 with #11 ! 11 has to be my lucky number ,I guess. Their criterions were "peer recommendations, web presence, and content quality". Have to say many thanks! Here is their full list of greensites:
Eco in World: One Day On Earth Events
This Earth Day, 2012, I hosted an event together with Norwegian Greens and Cafe Saba in Eastside Oslo for One Day On Earth. Naturally as I participated in Global Action Day 10.10.10, blog post: and also in 11.11.11-film, I felt it was natural for me to help them out with an arrangement in Oslo. In the video above you can watch and listen to one of the guests speaking for all of us! It is an important message that benefits all. Sponsors in this event also included WWF-Norway, Food Story, Transition Sagene and Friends Fair Trade.
Eco in World: One Day On Earth - Global Song Collaboration
My contribution to (One Day On Earth), the 2011-film.
Enjoy the natural habitat melting into an urban landscape, where nature encounter our civilization once again. Music is composed and recorded by me, and video is captured and edited by me with a simple cam. Watch it on my Music Youtube:
Enjoy the natural habitat melting into an urban landscape, where nature encounter our civilization once again. Music is composed and recorded by me, and video is captured and edited by me with a simple cam. Watch it on my Music Youtube:
Eco in Norway: The annual Zero Emission Conference 2011
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Lord Anthony Giddens and me / Iselin Rolvsjord Fergestad (photo) |
Einar Haandlykken, Executive Director of ZERO
Heidi Sorensen, State Secretary from The Ministry of the Environment
Erna Solberg, leader of the Conservative Party of Norway.
Anthony Giddens, sociologist member of Green Growth Council
Connie Hedegaard, European Commissioner for Climate Action
Arnold Schwarzenegger, former businessman, investor and politician
Bunker Roy, founder of Barefoot College
Martha Delgado Peralta, Head of the Mexico City Ministry of Environment
Ole Enger, President & CEO in REC Group
Representatives from the ”Powerhouse-alliance”
Johan Rockstrom, Executive Director of the Stockholm Environment Institute and the Stockholm Resilience Centre
Months have passed, and finally time for delivery again . :) Lots of work has occupied my life in all areas,this blog was a transition from travel to discovery, from meetings to life inventions and insight, and finally from past into presence. In a global, digital age, we need to keep up with the crowds, but not forget ourselves. To bring one`s imagination for real is not very far from computer generated reality of "other self exploration", either, as reality when it appears in nature is completely and fundamentally dependent on balancing energies. Human nature is to create human impact, in positive and negative sence. So the impact must be carefully designed in cooperation with natural flow of life assurements. In no other membership than our "Earth Company" where the executive is not the script writer, but the "structured improvisor".
Zero Conference:
I will give you excerpts from some of their best quotes. The conference started out with its executive, Einar Haanlykken from the Zero Organization, and I will further promote his point with the growing abilities of China. As you might guess, Zero Conference is all-business.Or, maybe not. At least, this is macro economy ground zero.
Very similar to the german Econsense (my blog offer: ).
Einar mentioned, that China was not the front runners of the industrial revolution. They were not ahead of the technology and media revolution, either. But, they apparently want to be the front runners of the renewables and sustainability revolution! So here they stand first in line, so that they are no longer the country "to be told what to do and where to move". Like Arnold Schwartznegger said at this conference; When we in the western countries have been driving cars for so long, we cannot suddenly tell the chinese to keep biking as usual, when we suddenly found out hundred years later that biking was a very good thing to do.:)
In Norway, we keep waiting for our target group and competitors to grow, before altering into anything like "front running". But with these huge world dominance-competitors and (previously) cold war-enemies like China and the US and Russia (and India), they have another attitude against innovation. We must not forget they are different in strategy than the power we struggle with around in Scandinavian countries.
From his speech to my point: It is important to remember that ethnographic study of innovation and industrial development in Norway, describes domestic innovation as mainly "need driven" . Which means that there are no innovation risks even though innovations exist in big volume (in opposite to Sweden)! As "we argue that innovation activity, by definition, will challenge and sometimes alter established boundaries" (quoted from this very important information of energy innovation and organizational establishment etc.: ).
When something is "need driven", we`d of course not pay attention to the strong rise of solar industry in the rest of Europe, increasing 42 percent in 2010 in Germany alone, with Italy straight behind at 21 percent. It is soon becoming a competitive source of energy approaching grid parity with nuclear, and we don`t even know it!
In only 3 years, Europe has created 300 000 new jobs in the field of renewables (source: Hedegaard)! Apart from European rise, China wants to be the innovators, so their wind capacity is already on shore as the biggest consumer on earth of wind energy. By becoming a competitive part, China is now no longer a follower of the jet stream, the car industry or the industrial revolution, they are becomming leaders of some kind. And they are dangerously ahead of us, without us even knowing it. That is the price we`ll have to pay , by leaning on some "need driven" activity..
There are much things good, though, about the Norwegian patience. Our hope, is to become the "smartest solution"-maker and marketers. Norway has always been waiting. Always in great observation of others, maybe not carefully, but the observing role has been our brightest function also, with such a great student organization. But what is the fun of experts if experts are singular functional? This is why I cheer formost on entrepreneurs before anyone else.
In our orgs, specialized people with just the brightest ideas and history, remain inside their functional stabs maybe because of their social acceptance fright, and all the gold keep mourning inside with no matrixed crossfading solutions communicated in the public atmosphere to a man-next-door. But I am sure, that we have some golden opportunities here: In 2010, global green revenues increased by 7%,which is more than the Swiss GDP and a world record 400 billion EUR! (Source: Hedegaard)
We just have to look a little above our shoulders for a second, because the EU has a 20 percent renewables target combating the 15 percent emissions in Europe of global emissions, but increased as more industries in Europe are in other countries, so that we are also much more contributing. But the target is set. We have to keep following its tale.
How to develope our agriculture? Take a look at the Barefoot College as example: . Why is local contribution and knowledge important? Because, without the local knowledge, such as tribal togetherness, the agricultural spirit will never be delivered from grand-dads to grand-sons, and which is the rutine of the "undeveloped country"-style. So local feed, is needed. Sanitation, clean water, pure local electricity, and fair trade, is necessary. Creativity is not in our hands, but theirs. They already have it, as human beings. Give them the basic standards of life cycling sources, and they`ll soon be your employees! Why should we always think that by holding someone back in line, we come first? By bringing someone down, you hold yourself up?
Reality says: By constructing sustainable agriculture and functionality in developing countries, we give not only them the shed to self-help and sustainability, we also cut our own emissions so drastically, that we could perhaps fly another mile without feeling guilty by doing so. Because this strategy is very similar to Denmark`s shipping sector; pay its oil by offshore windmills giving the same amount ot energy back to the oil company (it is called carbon neutral strategy..), or when I visited the ecovillages last year - almost everyone seemed to agree to have a car in their household - because why not get the goods when you do so much good elsewhere? Like cleaning your waste water from the garage. It is smart - simply that !
Eco in Norway: Earth Hour
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Earth Hour, the 26th of March , 20.30 pm to 21.30 pm. |
Inside this message, there is probably a full potential of waking up some brain cells to understand ourselves and our nature of lazyness! We`ve become lazy , also because of the easy transport of energy that is in the technology age. What to do when nobody helps you with electricity-supply? oh gosh, we`re stuck! :) No, we`re not at all stuck. Because it is too easy, to just turn off the light and forget where you are. Yes, it is dark , but you live on a living planet. Full of energy. Full of creativity. And most of it still untouched. Their website had an application where people could subscribe and tell what you spent the hour doing, and suddenly one could see that there is a global conscious mind after all.
I came to participate in this event through WWF-Norway, which is a global organization with local contributors. Working together with another organization in Norway, called Gronn Hverdag this time, showed and proved that co-operation in the green field is essential for attracting people at the same goal, and also that the actions are common by all after all. No one is a king or a queen in the name of the big mother earth.
It was good for me to join some active ones in Norway finally, after meeting so many danes and swedish and german with solutions that we`ve just seen a rough outline of in Norway so far. But I`ve learned that things are happening in my country step by step and I am proud of it (the country) more than anyone could imagine after all I`ve been saying, just because what I see in Norway that lies in the future is a lot of the same beauty that only the chinese seem to discover here. They wouldn`t care about electric cables in the Hardanger Fjord! The fjord is way too beautiful to them! What to do instead is to prepare for local electricity in much larger scale than what Norway is able to do at the moment. Preparing is the nature that we lack of, in the positive and the negative sence on the same time. The nature of Norway is quite monoistic, but to grow up is about preparing for your adulthood, on the same time the playfulness from childhood should not be forgotten. The union of these is to discover the possibilities of the imaginative nature. And this is, what Norway still needs. An imaginative nature on the same level as the World Cup Ski Championships on national broadcast and especially in the heart of Oslo.
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Childrens` future; touching and feeling the melting ice bear. |
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WWF Staff on top of the Plaza hotel with the panorama view over Oslo |
Eco In Norway:Earth Hour 2011
Have to create a post about this event. Surprisingly I received a tee from WWF on my birthday last week actually, and it was an Earth Hour t-shirt with a cool bandana to wear on action-day the 26th of March when volunteering in Oslo and Drammen for this year´s Earth Hour campaign in Norway.
The 26th I will make attention for the event during the day in Oslo together with other people from the organizations. Continuing the spread, I mailed all elementary school principals in my district and junior high schools today, adding email-addresses to business leaders in Drammen sending them an information post.
More mails will be sent until end of next week, and I might also attend a few schools to talk about it. Also created a Facebook-group/event-page for Drammen citizens. Earth Hour is the biggest action by the people for the climate worldwide, to make attention for energy savings, solutions and agreements on what is important.
The 26th I will make attention for the event during the day in Oslo together with other people from the organizations. Continuing the spread, I mailed all elementary school principals in my district and junior high schools today, adding email-addresses to business leaders in Drammen sending them an information post.
More mails will be sent until end of next week, and I might also attend a few schools to talk about it. Also created a Facebook-group/event-page for Drammen citizens. Earth Hour is the biggest action by the people for the climate worldwide, to make attention for energy savings, solutions and agreements on what is important.
Eco in World: To live along with natural disasters; Pollution is for Processing.
Natural "disasters" are here to stay. They`ve forever been here, but as the world is more connected than ever, all incidents hit us more directly and frustrates us more than ever. To learn how to live alongside them is the new challenge for all parts of the world.
I am in a little peaceful corner here writing, trying to help out with a tiny bit of communication which has all been said before, but I know that I am also responsible as citizen of one of the oil nations, for many of the disasters already been here. So I have to be active, and cannot ignore my nabour. This time around, Japan has a hard time. And before we start to use our seeds in the Svalbard Seed Vault or building a giant Noah's Ark, I am interested in communicating that to build houses or lifestyles to merge with the natural changes of today and tomorrow, is much more important. To build infrastructure and engineering that is more than just technique above nature, that can live alongside nature, is what we have to face.
It is a practical language. To keep up the sustainability, in other words, keep the natural Balance. Bears can express it or "make actions" to keep it, but it is not a "language" in the sence of words.
In the spot where the earth needs to renew. This is logic. This is not "intelligence" in the form of an organism that "thinks". Rather I find this kind of organism, called a "she" or the earth, one hardworking body connected to not only our actions, but our bodies, too.
From farming methods, we all know that urine as an example is very good vitamin to feed plants with, and some Asian coutries even use it for preventing colds and diseases as they dip children in urine bath. It comes from our natural body, and plants again are purifying it by using their "body" and leaf, and the former urine is now thin air. Using the flow of elements: Think about this as a water circulating system with a tap in your sink. A tube system to the local river where everything ends up and in the middle of this system there is some technique to purify and make this water clean. Well, the question how to purify this water from the lake to the tap, and then back again to nature , that is the activity that decides whether the water will leave traces in the tubes to make this pure or not, and whether what comes out of the tap is drinkable. Mother earth works just the same way.
Like pollution from acid rain water comes from us, but a single plant again is trying its best to purify it, and is yet another sign that pollution is for processing, and not for keeping. If humen too are "seen" as pollution, or their techniques are, nature will naturally process it - and trying to force the process into pure elements like clean air again.
I am very much aware of that the earth is neither an animal or a human, but this time we speak of nature as one living condition, and not a fossile.
Reminding of this post as we speak (Straw Bale Houses Earth Quake Resistant):
I am in a little peaceful corner here writing, trying to help out with a tiny bit of communication which has all been said before, but I know that I am also responsible as citizen of one of the oil nations, for many of the disasters already been here. So I have to be active, and cannot ignore my nabour. This time around, Japan has a hard time. And before we start to use our seeds in the Svalbard Seed Vault or building a giant Noah's Ark, I am interested in communicating that to build houses or lifestyles to merge with the natural changes of today and tomorrow, is much more important. To build infrastructure and engineering that is more than just technique above nature, that can live alongside nature, is what we have to face.
It is a practical language. To keep up the sustainability, in other words, keep the natural Balance. Bears can express it or "make actions" to keep it, but it is not a "language" in the sence of words.
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This frog "knows" that I am about to pinch him, so he got himself some jumping legs to escape from it. |
From farming methods, we all know that urine as an example is very good vitamin to feed plants with, and some Asian coutries even use it for preventing colds and diseases as they dip children in urine bath. It comes from our natural body, and plants again are purifying it by using their "body" and leaf, and the former urine is now thin air. Using the flow of elements: Think about this as a water circulating system with a tap in your sink. A tube system to the local river where everything ends up and in the middle of this system there is some technique to purify and make this water clean. Well, the question how to purify this water from the lake to the tap, and then back again to nature , that is the activity that decides whether the water will leave traces in the tubes to make this pure or not, and whether what comes out of the tap is drinkable. Mother earth works just the same way.
Like pollution from acid rain water comes from us, but a single plant again is trying its best to purify it, and is yet another sign that pollution is for processing, and not for keeping. If humen too are "seen" as pollution, or their techniques are, nature will naturally process it - and trying to force the process into pure elements like clean air again.
I am very much aware of that the earth is neither an animal or a human, but this time we speak of nature as one living condition, and not a fossile.
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This drivers' expression on his car (from Freeland ecovillage): "Unbalance" instead of "Ambulance" |
Reminding of this post as we speak (Straw Bale Houses Earth Quake Resistant):
Eco in Sweden: We're all Global Natives. The importance of keep travelling.
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Gothenburg Museum of World Culture |
Isolation, as we know it, is not very ecological. Permanent permaculture, maybe, if constructed in an international eco society. But most of us, do not live within permaculture or tend to think of the environment in every aspect, and therefor we have lost a lot of the experience since no grandfather is teaching us such anymore. Becoming more aware is not just for the political activists anymore, either. Some, even without activism in blood, might become even more active in the ecological field after travelling just a few places around the globe for getting the sense of another environment and culture, and we experience not only change in the culture shock, but also change within ourselves.
We will realize, that your homestead is largely influenced by your local supermarket instead of the wide inspiration on earth. My travel, has for sure expanded my horizons to become more aware. Even though it's not "to become aware", it became a result of the whole travel. The travel itself, was to get what I've felt is missing. And what is missing, lies within all of us. From this exhibition, images and words were explaining my travel sum-up.
Our late ancestors were local people with global economy ambitions; travel to conquer - not to explore, and to bring home the goods of another world, leaving traces in a rather brutal way.
But, our early ancestors on the other hand, were more likely global people with no permanent homes, living with local economies.
We wandered all the way from early Stone Age to the previous ice ages, coping with environments we'd never dream of coping with today, sleeping with the Neanderthals, giving in to the mushroom feed and continuing with travel across Asia and the northern territory, continuing using our native drums in music all the way from Africa and bringing tents on animals who became our carriers, like donkeys and horses. Why did we travel or, did we?
When we are on travel, we are also at home. We are where we are. Present. I`d like to state that we need to remember that the continents in very early ages of humankind, looked quite different from today.. the Mediterranean was not there, and Africa was linked to Asia, South America to Europe (a new discovery of link between Palestine and Native Americans) and Australia to The Middle East and Egypt- making the tribes of Aborigine and Sumerian quite familiar at some points, that we can also spot in their spiritual habits of "free the soul"-rituals.
Further more, the islands of Fiji, Haiti, Easter Island and even Hawaii did not exist in the shape they are today, they were linked to the mainland, and which - made all native tribes more "in contact" with each other, and wandering between places for finding new "green areas" for their animals to feed them. In fact, there is a link through all natives in all countries in the semi-nomadic lifestyle. Why do they otherwise look so the same, to us? Why do we still call natives - "natives"? the cultures have changed, alongside nations, but we still know they like to keep some of their past traditions.
They all live from day- to- day-basis ,like using sun dials instead of daily clocks controlling time schedule. When building community for the future and now, their significance is especially to maintain a vertical family- and society structure. This is an opposite to our horizontal structure for forward-thinking.
Having vertical structure, means that their rituals or traditions (like cooking or music; in other words identity ) are based on ancient pride, while usage of resources and leadership-communities are based on future generations' and climate demands, often formed as spiral seashells in dialogue. Even their dance routines generally speaking, is often a spiral form dance. Based on ancestor-instincts, but also based on the fact that the whole Earth had ONE source (the very elements we all need to live), and not divided into several states and several powers.
Wheather-harmony; Sun Dials in most native societies. |
When we started conquering other countries (mainly the British...erm), and separeted ourselves from nature, we also unfortunately made all our natives separate into many "different" tribes and conditions. WE as high-industrial nations, actually made them isolated. They were not, from the beginning, isolated from the rest of the world, even how local and soul-searching they might seem. So, this whole concept of ideas we have of isolated, primitive and not-so-global natives are completely wrong ideas. They were in fact our global citizens, that we are stribing to become today in all our adjustment to globalization and universal ideas, long before we started to name anyone a president or anyone a king.
The importance of travelling (in the aim of discovery) is therefor something we must not reconsider together with all the other things we are reconsidering today that are environmentally friendly. Yes, I am aware of plane traffics, but on the other hand - without transport of people in and out of other countries, how can we then become ecologically educated enough to provide politics or even make decisions that are affecting other countries? We NEED to get to know our roots and ourselves better by asking our neighbor, to understand that we are connected.
Not to mention, to appreciate the beauty of nature's diversity. When travelling, you are "forced" to look around. You can not escape from finding challenges in nature on your road, and you can not escape from meeting new people that are local experts on their own natural fields. I am all - into travel. And, I will continue with it. On the other note: Travelling has made me more aware of the many local economies out there. That the global economy we once were dependant on, is shrinking. This is extremely important. Learning is by experiencing differences and similarities, also.
Not to mention, to appreciate the beauty of nature's diversity. When travelling, you are "forced" to look around. You can not escape from finding challenges in nature on your road, and you can not escape from meeting new people that are local experts on their own natural fields. I am all - into travel. And, I will continue with it. On the other note: Travelling has made me more aware of the many local economies out there. That the global economy we once were dependant on, is shrinking. This is extremely important. Learning is by experiencing differences and similarities, also.
Because life would never be able to evolve, without a knowledge and practice of a local feed, then on a global scale we need information of local climate to survive. And when you understand what is local, you might also start to build bridges between your own habitat - and - theirs, more like a winwin-union; where local opportunities meet global challenges and generational teaching can continue. This is when the Earth will evolve, I believe. When we understand that there are more roads than what is decided by your government or by your ruling company, when we see more than just 1 road which would more like to take personal advantages of your local resource than to develop it, honestly. To get into the depth of the soil we all came from, I guess the first step is to start exploring it, digging it, and if you can't access Google Mongolia or Google Amazon to breath the clean oxygen from trees and climbing mountains, you'd need to go and look for it yourself! Reading about it is one thing, experience is something quite different.
Apart from our civilized, organized and growing families within nations, we're all global natives from the very roots.20110103
Eco in Norway: Event followup! A Successful Eco Circle.
A cold winterday the 18th of December 2010 was for some people to celebrate and sacrifice in the name of the obvious Christmas light. Most people went to go shopping in such circumstances, stressed and crowded. Instead, a group of people ready for change chose another alternative of sacrificing and lighting; they chose to enter my ecology event at the end of the autumn roadtrip in Oslo - city of the Tiger and even more; city of the coming greener future with planned urban district Sagene. The district Sagene was a sponsor of my event.
At the event called "Fornybarfamilien", we came up with alternatives to energy saving, energy consuming, ecology practice, history of danish eco-societies and new economies. A New Year's Resolution is often something we think of as something being persuaded, just like doing the best for your family by buying the greatest stuff for Christmas, while another kind of Resolution could be one to prepare a family meal to the coming generation as in new habits, new environments, new systems of building and restoration, and new matrixes in organizations.
"Fornybarfamilien" (The Renewable Family) showed us that We are the Designers. Here I am trying to use my storytelling for this society's demand of excitement and participation in the age of the cyber nation which is the driving force of today's markets. The advertising industry has used this storytelling strategy for years! Now it is time for us to deliver the same in the sence of green storytelling! The consumers are the end target anyway. And they are driving our cycle in the sentence "what's in it for me". So therefor we are buying what is best told or best performed in the name of what is giving us a quality of life.
Qualities of life have different value in the different ages of time, it was reported. Before, products of high value was a status symbol and a tool to union the like-minded . Today, in our postmodern information society, the value is rather the quality of the products aim to bring us a most sustainable happiness. This way of thinking, is turning our consumer habits upside-down!
The main motivation of holding this event, was to stimulate the creative thinking of a greener household and home. Many of the seminar speakers did all of this. The first part of this concept, was a test for upcoming challenges and maybe another event where I would like to bring a greater surrounding and a social experience for the audience to join.
At this event, the participants kept taking notes and asking questions all the time in a very intimate dialogue. The citizen of Samsoe (Samsø / Samso ) Energy Island in Denmark, Stefan Wollfbrandt, told us about all the benefits of his low energy positive house. New economies like ecology and economy in a circular system were also presented in hands-on methods and history of peak oil. We found out that solutions must not consist of only one. Solutions are made to connect , just like any circular system. That is why Denmark, which is a flat country, is a great provider of wind energy, wheras Norway could use alot more fjord or mountain energy.
Each environment has its own solution. We cannot just go blind by the oil prophecies of a greater future because our past was so great and rich, when the resources are running out and as we know it - the peak will come not slow, but fast as long as the rest of the world market expand in a different alternative direction than Norway. We'd have to follow, and we're slow on preparing for its peak. Sweden and Denmark are alot more adaptive.
The vulnerability of not investing in green technologies before it is too late on top of the mountain, was well documented by BI Center of Climate Strategy. The ticking bomb of the green growth was illustrated by a bottle of ketchup being sqeezed like it is now, and suddenly - there will be green all over the place!
At the event, I presented where Denmark is on the map compared to us in Norway. We live in a country with great distance between each other (originally) with mountains separating us, and we are used to an "ownership"-culture where nothing compromises with the mindset of collectiveness. While the danes live flat and connected, they're used to lot more sharing-culture. The challenge for the case of Norway, is that our resources must be rediscovered by ourselves, as it differ from the danish, and we must open up our own eyes to discover our own possibilities.
We usually say that we are lucky to be powered by waterfalls and their engines. And of course it provides us with most of our energy consumption. But even though we can rely on that water power is clean and a good resource for Norway, we also have to ask ourselves whether this is ecologically and holisticly renewable energy or not when it dries our watery ground, cuts off biological diversity, and looks terrible when constructed in our fjords? How renewable is it, then?...
The word holistic, is a part of ecology and the new economy and the new energy politics. The challenge for Norway, is to find our holistic perception again.
Transition Towns Norway was represented at the meeting, as well. They gave us hope on a system of meeting structure that works in plenty other cities and countries, also in a very holistic way of organizing and future-thinking.
The most exciting thing about the "Fornybarfamilien"-event, was that we were able to connect on a grassroot level to exchange views and strategies and telephone numbers for further building, and also coming together for a plot of a "fantasy home!" Everyone was included, and felt included. And as we turned around, we noticed how important it was to get the "inclusion"-factor on, and the "happy-feel-in-an-interactive-moment" on.
A group of people living in a neighbourhood in Oslo asked for more information from Samsoe on how to continue their work, and no outcome is better than that! - The inspiration to a greater action.
Slow Food Oslo also wanted to get more team members to continue their growth in Oslo - ironically for a slower consumption, but faster developement. See , this has turned upside-down! The past organizations of "slow structure/business as usual" has been replaced by fast organization and further own a slow, circular growth.
Seminar programme in Norwegian:,
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Group photo of the remaining participating audience at my event, December 18 2010. |
At the event called "Fornybarfamilien", we came up with alternatives to energy saving, energy consuming, ecology practice, history of danish eco-societies and new economies. A New Year's Resolution is often something we think of as something being persuaded, just like doing the best for your family by buying the greatest stuff for Christmas, while another kind of Resolution could be one to prepare a family meal to the coming generation as in new habits, new environments, new systems of building and restoration, and new matrixes in organizations.
"Fornybarfamilien" (The Renewable Family) showed us that We are the Designers. Here I am trying to use my storytelling for this society's demand of excitement and participation in the age of the cyber nation which is the driving force of today's markets. The advertising industry has used this storytelling strategy for years! Now it is time for us to deliver the same in the sence of green storytelling! The consumers are the end target anyway. And they are driving our cycle in the sentence "what's in it for me". So therefor we are buying what is best told or best performed in the name of what is giving us a quality of life.
Qualities of life have different value in the different ages of time, it was reported. Before, products of high value was a status symbol and a tool to union the like-minded . Today, in our postmodern information society, the value is rather the quality of the products aim to bring us a most sustainable happiness. This way of thinking, is turning our consumer habits upside-down!
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Demonstration of how to make your own solar heating from empty cans, by Denmark's engineer specialist on solar power: Ernst Drastrup. The demo was shown at the event. |
The main motivation of holding this event, was to stimulate the creative thinking of a greener household and home. Many of the seminar speakers did all of this. The first part of this concept, was a test for upcoming challenges and maybe another event where I would like to bring a greater surrounding and a social experience for the audience to join.
At this event, the participants kept taking notes and asking questions all the time in a very intimate dialogue. The citizen of Samsoe (Samsø / Samso ) Energy Island in Denmark, Stefan Wollfbrandt, told us about all the benefits of his low energy positive house. New economies like ecology and economy in a circular system were also presented in hands-on methods and history of peak oil. We found out that solutions must not consist of only one. Solutions are made to connect , just like any circular system. That is why Denmark, which is a flat country, is a great provider of wind energy, wheras Norway could use alot more fjord or mountain energy.
Each environment has its own solution. We cannot just go blind by the oil prophecies of a greater future because our past was so great and rich, when the resources are running out and as we know it - the peak will come not slow, but fast as long as the rest of the world market expand in a different alternative direction than Norway. We'd have to follow, and we're slow on preparing for its peak. Sweden and Denmark are alot more adaptive.
The vulnerability of not investing in green technologies before it is too late on top of the mountain, was well documented by BI Center of Climate Strategy. The ticking bomb of the green growth was illustrated by a bottle of ketchup being sqeezed like it is now, and suddenly - there will be green all over the place!
At the event, I presented where Denmark is on the map compared to us in Norway. We live in a country with great distance between each other (originally) with mountains separating us, and we are used to an "ownership"-culture where nothing compromises with the mindset of collectiveness. While the danes live flat and connected, they're used to lot more sharing-culture. The challenge for the case of Norway, is that our resources must be rediscovered by ourselves, as it differ from the danish, and we must open up our own eyes to discover our own possibilities.
We usually say that we are lucky to be powered by waterfalls and their engines. And of course it provides us with most of our energy consumption. But even though we can rely on that water power is clean and a good resource for Norway, we also have to ask ourselves whether this is ecologically and holisticly renewable energy or not when it dries our watery ground, cuts off biological diversity, and looks terrible when constructed in our fjords? How renewable is it, then?...
The word holistic, is a part of ecology and the new economy and the new energy politics. The challenge for Norway, is to find our holistic perception again.
Transition Towns Norway was represented at the meeting, as well. They gave us hope on a system of meeting structure that works in plenty other cities and countries, also in a very holistic way of organizing and future-thinking.
The most exciting thing about the "Fornybarfamilien"-event, was that we were able to connect on a grassroot level to exchange views and strategies and telephone numbers for further building, and also coming together for a plot of a "fantasy home!" Everyone was included, and felt included. And as we turned around, we noticed how important it was to get the "inclusion"-factor on, and the "happy-feel-in-an-interactive-moment" on.
A group of people living in a neighbourhood in Oslo asked for more information from Samsoe on how to continue their work, and no outcome is better than that! - The inspiration to a greater action.
Slow Food Oslo also wanted to get more team members to continue their growth in Oslo - ironically for a slower consumption, but faster developement. See , this has turned upside-down! The past organizations of "slow structure/business as usual" has been replaced by fast organization and further own a slow, circular growth.
Seminar programme in Norwegian:,
eco houses,
transition towns
Eco in Germany: The Econsense Forum , Berlin 2010
"Are you on the guest list?" Nope, I said. But my interest in the green management is so great that I am skipping all traditional tourist shopping just to come here, join you, and communicate back to Norway what is being said and discussed. Yep, I got in. :) The Econsense Forum, all men in suits, and me - a "journalist" slash blogger from Norway, previously being an editor of my own printed magazine by Art Council Norway for three years, though. No writer anymore, no editor anymore. Just me, an environmentalist. A CRAZY such one, and therefor - I GOT IN! Fabtastic, the Econsense! But seriously: Even though my ears only catched 50 percent of the german language all through the seminars, my eyes and their expressions and the logo "im dialog" made me understand maybe a hundered percent of this fantastic opportunity; a dialogue forum! Finally. The germans know, how to bring awareness to an upper management level. The dialogues between the leaders of firms and multinational companies, it all made me gaze and listen like never before, like my german knowledge from high school suddenly all came back to me. Because, they were on it. The leaders were on, discussing enthusiastically about serious mistakes in business and serious solutions. What immediately came to my mind, is that the movement called Corporate Social Responsibility no longer belongs to just a minor sector in business. Now big businesses are discussing it, too, and at this forum - ambassadors of many countries from all over the world entering Econsense. And this is giving what kind of signals? Of course: They know that they have to change for surviving in the turbulence of today's market and social changes. And of course to keep up with the green trends. Making strategies further from the functional management education. The creative education is on. The hybrid organizations are on. And, finally the social leader is on. This is just one more SIGNAL, that the world is aware of the upcoming changes on ALL areas in life; business and personal. It is on topic.
To get into their discussions abit, I would not put a resumé of their endless talks, but rather give a few examples of a common discussion here which is probably everyone's concern. One is money and strategy. To change in business, there is always risk. What the leaders of Econsense were discussing, was not that their will of change is lower or less than any other environmentalist out there. Because quite surprisingly, everyone seemed to agree on the same thing; they all want to "become greener". But the question is always "how", and always "at what risk". Then first of all we must not forget, the financial and cost-benefit risks. Before entering these rooms, several leading companies of Germany had published a long report from 2009 with aspects and reviews of their implemented green-social sustainability and improving technologies in environmental-friendly, internal managing. These reports showed the balance and the income and the benefits of the 2009 changes. They also gave some future predictions and ambitions. So when entering the conference, none of these firms came with fresh pen and blanc papers. They were all adjusted and "educated" in their own company experiences. The debate further on, was whether or not the balances showed them any "likes" of taking more ambitious risks. The speekers were a couple of scientists, firm leaders with great background on resources, foresighters and reps from the European Union. To lead the debate, I noticed that they questioned other company managers more in depth on behalf of the science of resources and financial crisis. The negative responses always came when the scientists proved them how easy things are in the logic of what we have damaged and what we easily need to do, while the positive responses and raising eyebrows always came when the scientists told them how much other green companies have gained by improving their corporate responsibility. So conclusion on this observation is: They/We, all know the irresponsible style has damaged the flow. And they/we all want to get back the flow we used to have, and the better and greener solution there is - the more positive. So from talks to practice : It is not very far to walk from the table to the backyard and find all what we are looking for. Everyone CAN be happy, the problem is just to turn around the view and see WHERE is the solution, because it is just there in front of every non-creative businessleader who's just not able to see where the road split. And he or she is always happy when served.
Final conclusion of this bubbly meeting, except delicious meals and talks with ambassadors where I felt I could even touch their tie and stretch it a bit ..:) that there is no one out there with inhuman ambitions! Even the most conservative can turn into the greenest car driver if he'd only be presented of a few brilliant pitstops where his car can be restored and charged.
To get into their discussions abit, I would not put a resumé of their endless talks, but rather give a few examples of a common discussion here which is probably everyone's concern. One is money and strategy. To change in business, there is always risk. What the leaders of Econsense were discussing, was not that their will of change is lower or less than any other environmentalist out there. Because quite surprisingly, everyone seemed to agree on the same thing; they all want to "become greener". But the question is always "how", and always "at what risk". Then first of all we must not forget, the financial and cost-benefit risks. Before entering these rooms, several leading companies of Germany had published a long report from 2009 with aspects and reviews of their implemented green-social sustainability and improving technologies in environmental-friendly, internal managing. These reports showed the balance and the income and the benefits of the 2009 changes. They also gave some future predictions and ambitions. So when entering the conference, none of these firms came with fresh pen and blanc papers. They were all adjusted and "educated" in their own company experiences. The debate further on, was whether or not the balances showed them any "likes" of taking more ambitious risks. The speekers were a couple of scientists, firm leaders with great background on resources, foresighters and reps from the European Union. To lead the debate, I noticed that they questioned other company managers more in depth on behalf of the science of resources and financial crisis. The negative responses always came when the scientists proved them how easy things are in the logic of what we have damaged and what we easily need to do, while the positive responses and raising eyebrows always came when the scientists told them how much other green companies have gained by improving their corporate responsibility. So conclusion on this observation is: They/We, all know the irresponsible style has damaged the flow. And they/we all want to get back the flow we used to have, and the better and greener solution there is - the more positive. So from talks to practice : It is not very far to walk from the table to the backyard and find all what we are looking for. Everyone CAN be happy, the problem is just to turn around the view and see WHERE is the solution, because it is just there in front of every non-creative businessleader who's just not able to see where the road split. And he or she is always happy when served.
Final conclusion of this bubbly meeting, except delicious meals and talks with ambassadors where I felt I could even touch their tie and stretch it a bit ..:) that there is no one out there with inhuman ambitions! Even the most conservative can turn into the greenest car driver if he'd only be presented of a few brilliant pitstops where his car can be restored and charged.
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Lufthansa is at it. |
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Volkswagen is at it. |
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Vodafone is at it. |
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Deutsche Bahnhof (the Train service) |
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Market, People, World, Company. What It Tells We Must Do. |
corporate social responsibility,
Eco in Germany: Diversity and food
Talking about The International Year Of Biodiversity in the previous post ... (, I came to think of diversity of other kinds like food, and I found some pictures from my stay in Germany earlier in which they had these huge shops and markets with ecological and raw food, almost as if it was more commercial than Wal*Mart (which in no doubt will happen in few years time), and which probably is the case in Germany. This multiple shop called BioMarkt had the most varied organic food I have ever seen in a big city, even with stairs to second floor, and straight across the street to my hotel even better :)
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All organic, two floors, food even in the escalator |
Eco in Denmark: Art and ecology (it's the International Year Of Biodiversity!)
When entering the train to say goodbye to Copenhagen some week ago, I passed the ambitious art installation at Kongens Nytorv in the middle of city centre - marking the 2010 International Year Of Biodiversity.
This was yet again an art installation about ecology, and it got to my mind how important ART can play a role for the whole concept of making 'ecology' more public: When there is no words or too much words to describe today's situation for people to get into the real feel of it, or when you feel pushed to understand something you don't and what you've got left is to listen to the heart, art can be the way to give you not the answer, but to inspire your mind to search for your own answer, in the state where you let go of the ego waiste and let yourself into the openness that is of art. The question: What did you feel when looking at this painting or film? Either way it moves you.
The art project called The Living Facade, illustrates all the diversity of botanity, by installing seasonal plants from Scandinavian nature, directly into a modern, urban city building. This is practically nature and diversity coming to the city again. So back to art and ecology, Denmark here wants the city to bloom, just like Europe is so colorful with all the diversity in both culture and management. We need to picture this, also in nature, and into the architecture of course. Making similar minimalism in Scandinavia all empty of plants, seems unnatural to the different shades of our otherwise attitude.
This was yet again an art installation about ecology, and it got to my mind how important ART can play a role for the whole concept of making 'ecology' more public: When there is no words or too much words to describe today's situation for people to get into the real feel of it, or when you feel pushed to understand something you don't and what you've got left is to listen to the heart, art can be the way to give you not the answer, but to inspire your mind to search for your own answer, in the state where you let go of the ego waiste and let yourself into the openness that is of art. The question: What did you feel when looking at this painting or film? Either way it moves you.
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The Living Facade |
One of the signs says, and here comes something everyone should absolutely know: "What is biodiversity? Life on earth has unfolded in countless diversity of genes, species, habitats and ecosystems. This biodiversity provides for our basic needs, such as food, water and clean air, but also delivers the resources that drive our economies. On the lighter side of life, biodiversity provides opportunities for recreation and socialising."
And further: "Despite its fundamental importance to human well-being, population growth and unsustainable consumption of natural resources are putting increasing pressure on the richness of life. Biodiversity is being lost at an alarming rate both globally and in Europe.
To raise public awareness about biodiversity, in 1993 the United Nations proclaimed 22 May as the International Day for Biological Diversity. Most recently it designated 2010 as the International Year of Biodiversity."
Eco in Norway: Art and ecology
In Norway, we have loads of ecological innovation in both technology, architecture, recycling and education. But I´d say the position where we have the most universal agreements with the rest of this green world, is in the world of art! At least there is one area where we all agree on what is the most important: Having dreams. This past week, there has been running an exhibition called "Gentle Actions" at the Artist Center. I was there for two days of this week, mainly to get more contacts for my own plans in the collaboration field, but also to view some of its installations and films, like this recommended "Garbage Dreams" about western trash companies recycling 25 perscent destroying a people movement of a genius 80 percent recycling system in the poor areas of Cairo :
The trip to this exhibition was well worth it, as the non-profit Green Drinks-organization made people gather just to talk randomly about environment as we discovered as soon as many people join together, less people are avoiding to not do something. There was a speaker from the University of Oslo, saying something very important to us: When the environment movements fragments into different directions, one of the most common fears is that the future tomorrow might not be here. While she was stating, the future of tomorrow is NOT created yet. We have to remember, that the future is how we DECIDE. We are designing it, every moment.
The future is not built, nor can be predicted in detail, as it depends on how we act , from now ON. And upon action, one can build what is not yet built. So therefor she was calming down a fact we all worry about: The way we destroy our planet or the way we act today. It does not necessarily mean that we can not change it. Because we know our faults. And it is much easier to turn around when you know, than if you don't. We are somewhat lucky, because especially the internet, and the worldwide books and education and knowledge, has taught us something useful. We can design. We often forget that we are creators. Like this artist group. We design, every new change. There is nothing that we can not do.
Today, I watched an imported popular science-program on national TV about finding intelligent life on other planets (still running with same popularity with the same questionmarks since the first black 'n white-shows about green men in the late 60s), and I payed much attention until the stupid last comment at the end of it: "And when we find Sigma"..finally at the end of planet searches similar to Earth.." 2040, we can then send a lazer searching for industrial garbage surrounding its atmosphere...", and listen..this is even more stupid: "..which will give us signs about INTELLIGENT life on another planet maybe highly more developed than what we are today"...... yea. As if industrial garbage in space is what all planet intelligent creatures figure out is the one way out. The one way to developement, as we have learned from the very start of our western civilization only pushing us further to its limit. Aaargh... Forget it, Earth, you'll never find life on other planets searching like you do.
The trip to this exhibition was well worth it, as the non-profit Green Drinks-organization made people gather just to talk randomly about environment as we discovered as soon as many people join together, less people are avoiding to not do something. There was a speaker from the University of Oslo, saying something very important to us: When the environment movements fragments into different directions, one of the most common fears is that the future tomorrow might not be here. While she was stating, the future of tomorrow is NOT created yet. We have to remember, that the future is how we DECIDE. We are designing it, every moment.
The future is not built, nor can be predicted in detail, as it depends on how we act , from now ON. And upon action, one can build what is not yet built. So therefor she was calming down a fact we all worry about: The way we destroy our planet or the way we act today. It does not necessarily mean that we can not change it. Because we know our faults. And it is much easier to turn around when you know, than if you don't. We are somewhat lucky, because especially the internet, and the worldwide books and education and knowledge, has taught us something useful. We can design. We often forget that we are creators. Like this artist group. We design, every new change. There is nothing that we can not do.
Today, I watched an imported popular science-program on national TV about finding intelligent life on other planets (still running with same popularity with the same questionmarks since the first black 'n white-shows about green men in the late 60s), and I payed much attention until the stupid last comment at the end of it: "And when we find Sigma"..finally at the end of planet searches similar to Earth.." 2040, we can then send a lazer searching for industrial garbage surrounding its atmosphere...", and listen..this is even more stupid: "..which will give us signs about INTELLIGENT life on another planet maybe highly more developed than what we are today"...... yea. As if industrial garbage in space is what all planet intelligent creatures figure out is the one way out. The one way to developement, as we have learned from the very start of our western civilization only pushing us further to its limit. Aaargh... Forget it, Earth, you'll never find life on other planets searching like you do.
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A quite different kind of intelligence |
Upcoming: Event update and The Econsense Forum
I'm having a short break from travelling, returning soon to Sweden and will continue blogging with an update from previous days: The Event Conference 2010 in Copenhagen where I participated as I wanted to be inspired before my upcoming project management, The Econsense Forum in Berlin, and further also more information on my events to come. Stay tuned.
Eco in Germany: Berlinway is bothways.
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Me giving it a "push!" :) |
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Surf the solutions |
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Berlin Wall painting: See the heart in the hole! |
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Remember THIS? :) (from ecovillage Odsherred photoalbum.) |
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From green to blue 2022!
For more green and blue, follow the ongoing Blue Space collaborative initiative by me , just started up in its beginnings for an enduring l...
My host in ecovillage "Friland", Caroline Meyer White at Engineers Without Borders in Denmark, is currently working on a specific ...
Good memories from the apple ecofarm, here are some goodies: I love the ocean. More on the "Beatle" in the background furthe...