Now a carbon neutral blog

Each year in Germany, paper industry consumption due to printed prospects alone is responsible for 455,400 tons of CO2 in the air and 4,62 litres of water and 1,157 million kwh of electricity, all by 33kilos of paperrolls. By doing this to nature, one should absolutely "pay back" as result of ecological footprint. Company KaufDa in Germany is a magazine and folder print company that sees their own problem. They've become green by understanding their own footprints. I also agree with them that maybe internet has solved many of the world's cultural and environmental problems. Sending e-mail instead of printing a post card, it is very ecological. So I signed up for different win-win-sites, and with this badge my existance contribute to planting a real tree in Plumas, or in their further planting area. I thought it was a nice idea. Nothing is better than win-win. As green world seems to interact both on internet and in real life. With this blog post, they'll plant a tree for me to neutralize the carbon emissions of my blog. How it works is described in here: http://www.kaufda.de/umwelt/carbon-neutral/1-tree-1-blog-how-it-works/ and here  http://www.kaufda.de/umwelt/carbon-neutral/what-we-do/


Eco in Denmark: Arriving at island Aeroe

I just arrived on one of the smallest, yet biggest islands in Denmark considering renewable energy, called Aeroe (Ærø), which is very similar to Samsoe (the 100% Renewable Energy Island) which I visited back in august (prev post: http://ecoiselin.blogspot.com/2010/08/eco-in-denmark-100-renewable-energy.html). One of the reasons I chose this island is that they host the WORLD's largest solar panel plant which would be one great sight and one hugh inspiration to visit! Even though Sweden is the leading country in Scandinavia overall when it comes to ecological implement (in business especially), I find these tiny islands of Denmark (Samsoe and Aeroe) as leading examples of what is the most human affected developement, where partner-ownerships and households are very responsible for the exceeding renewable energy process worldwide and in Europe. They both have the same ambition (which Samsoe now has accomplished); to become 100% self-sufficient by renewable energy. Aeroe is famous for its shipping and boat-life, which is also one of my favorites. I am going to pay city Marstal a visit during this coming week besides "wwoofing" (organic farm-works). The farm that welcomed me gave me free accomodation at one of their lux apartements(!) of a hundered square metres, and I feel very lucky to spend the days in such beautiful environment. The ocean is nearby with their own beach and just have a look:

The view from my apartement!
My very nice apartement here.
Big bed! :)


Eco in Denmark: Another album

Here is another album from ecovillage "Fri og Fro" in Odsherred, uploaded by Mette Petersen (www.okoliv.dk) living in this ecovillage. Pictures of the homes. Added to the pictures are nice descriptions (in danish) of the building material:

From green to blue 2022!

For more green and blue, follow the ongoing Blue Space  collaborative initiative by me , just started up in its beginnings for an enduring l...