Eco in Germany: Berlinway is bothways.

Me giving it a "push!" :)
Surf the solutions
Berlin Wall painting: See the heart in the hole!
Remember THIS? :) (from ecovillage Odsherred photoalbum.)


Eco in Germany: 10/10/10

I am in Berlin, folks! And I found out I must be alittle crazy, as when I entered Alexanderplatz at last after gardening at Pricessgarden in a completely other part of the city, (though I`ll have to thank the very extrordinary good subway-system here!), I came an hour late to join the Silent Climate Parade (http://www.climateparade.de/), and the organizers asked me to leave my passport in order to get headphones for the concept which I did not have right there by hand, and said I just arrived by bus from Copenhagen some hours ago and all the way from Norway- and they all looked surprised "aah.. well, you are very welcome!" Probably the only foreigner there, as every one was Berliner citizens!..surprising, as I now see myself as worldcitizen I actually felt kind of out-of-place, still. So I told them I came all the way from Norway JUST to join this event, and I did not need any other proof to make them believe I was gonna play safely at their event. :) Ah. I understand my purpose better now. I am wildly joining events in the world, and every map is a web for my sences to explore and to live. And last but not least, to make good traces - and bring this forward (like here in blogs or everywhere communicative!). The Silent Climate Parade was getting attention, even though the noise was as low as any blowing leaf. I would like there to be more people joining this parade, but even more surprisingly the Princessgarden and its low-profile marketing housed even just the same amount of energetic people!..hmm. The size doesn`t matter in this case. The concept of bringing locals in to participate in local green activites, seem to attract the people nearby just from the method of understanding the purpose of greening your neighbourhood. Inspiring, that is. Bring your local neighbour in for a coffee drink and a nice dig to harvest potatoes for a common dish. :) The great Silent Climate Parade was named "silent" because onlookers did not hear music, as the music came from headphones worn by the participants. And the wireless music again came from a storage of solar-energy captured by the dj-set. Remarkable and creative idea!
A nice cafè in the Princessgarden
Me dancing
The Broadcast Tower absorbing signals from space and the tree absorbing Co2 from air

From green to blue 2022!

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